Rev Rabia
Rev Rabia
Music Earthy and Spiritual
Music Earthy and Spiritual

Thanks for visiting mayakesa/mayakesamusic Phone (415) 524-9783 email: revrabia@revrabia.net
A powerful blend of righteous guitar picking and senuous raspy vocals. Evokes the 60's coffee house scene.

Wannabe Hippies
Wannabe Hippies
photo by Isis Wozniakoska

Sunday Blues
Sunday Blues
photo by Keizo Yamazawa

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Rev. Rabia with Virgil Thrasher
Never Too Late
Were this record musically inept, the names alone would be worth the price of admission. Fortunately, there’s no ineptitude here, only some great acoustic blues and songwriting from this collaboration between Rev. Rabia Wozniakowska and Virgil Thrasher. Rev. Rabia is from the Bay Area, and her singing and acoustic guitar are joined on some of the selections by Virgil Thrasher, Robert Lowery’s harmonica-player-in-residence, for a spate of covers ("Spoonful," "Help Me," "Cry Like a Baby") intermingled with some fantastic originals.
— Andrew Grafe
" Rabia Yamazawa is an unsung gem of the Bay Area music scene, the vocalist/guitatist regularly bringing her intensely felt take on the classic blues and roots music to venues throughout California'central coast. But it's not as simple as calling her a blues musician as her long gestating CD Ol'Guitar makes plain throughout her surprising eclectic 16 tracks"
Matt R. Lohr
You can read the article on page 57
Click THE PHOTO to purchase OL' GUITAR
"She is a raw ethereral folk blues singer, yet with a sweet quality that immediately touches the heart." Frank Matheis, the Country Blues

"If your bag is acoustic blues, this one's a delight and perfectly suited for you" (Marty Gunther. BLUES BLAST MAGAZINE)
"Heartbreaking songs that will certainly moves...her emotional delivery exceeds the normal average of many other similar artists" Vincente Zumel
"...We always show up to hear you play.Sunday mornings are what bring us together in friendship..." (from a letter from fans who saw us Sunday mornings at Cafe Med n Berkeley 2013.